P R O J E K T   R E S P I R A T I O N

PROJEKT RESPIRATION is a music and theater union for production of performances, concerts and research.

The purpose of PROJEKT RESPIRATION is to:

·      Develop experimental and innovative art in relation to breathing.

·      Gather experiences and share knowledge about breathing in experimental and innovative ways.

·      Promote and develop ideas and methods with which artistic disciplines can dissolve genres and complement each other.

·      Reach a broad audience through different expressions and platforms, nationally and internationally.

·      Develop the artistic productions in parallel with a thorough study related to respiration.


S U K   &   A E R

SUK & AER are sister projects under PROJECT RESPIRATION.

SUK & AER is developed in the wish to do research about why it is so common and unnoticed that majority of us breathe superficially. A shallow respiratory process can be problematic, because the capacity of the lungs is not fully used, which over time may influence among others sleep, communication and the quality of life in general.



SUK develops concerts that focus on respiration in the meeting between art and science.

The aim is to inspire to reflection, curiosity and dialogue through an audio-visual expression.

In 2017 SUK works on the development on an evolving audio visual piece called PNEUMATICKS I - III and an installation

SUK consists of:

- Artist; Ulrik Heltoft

- Artist; Ann Sophie von Bülow

- Composer and artistic leader; Signe Lykke

- Composer and artistic leader; Lil Lacy

- Musicians; Katinka Fogh Vindelev (soprano), Laura Mayer (alto), Simon Rønne Rischel (baritone), Morten Lohmann Sønderskov Jensen (bass clarinet), Soma Allpass (cello) and Lil Lacy (cello)




AER is the scientific part of PROJECT RESPIRATION. AER consists of a number of experts in specialized in among others trauma therapy, body treatment, neuroscience and breathing techniques. The experts share experience on the breath. Their experiences are combined, compared and discussed in the desire to illuminate the human way of living with and without breathing.

AER consists of among others:

- Leader of ManuVision, author of Kropslig Intelligens, body therapist and trainer; Kristoffer Glavind Kjær

- Trauma therapist, author of Smerter hos børn ; Maiken Bjerg

- Voice rehabilitation expert, author of Stemmen som instrument and singing teacher; Dorte Sehested Brüel

- Composer and singer; Signe Lykke

- Singing teacher, composer and singer; Lil Lacy


Santiago Ramón y Cajal

Santiago Ramón y Cajal